Anyone who collects silverplate wants to know the condition so this description addresses it: Both spoon & fork are only lightly polished, gave them enough of a go to look for the flaws. They both have a super glossy finish, as if they were seldom used. The fork in particular looks perfect, no silver loss or really any flaws to note except for the polishing needed. The spoon though, has a line of wear right along the front edge of the bowl. It shows as a brass color in the picture. The pic makes it look worse than it is in person. Also on the back of the bowl, a small nick was found, there are a couple of photos of it. Neither of these flaws are very noticeable at a glance. The spoon has the same glossy finish as the fork so the line of wear must have been done on the 1st use somehow. This is a big set, 12 in. long, each piece weighing about 6 oz before packing. A great pattern with a Massive, Masculine & Modernist look! Questions welcome or addt’l photo request.